"I prayed for this child and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him" 1Samuel 1:27

Monday, November 12, 2012



Sometimes I catch myself so caught up in the "awe" of this adoption thing. Gabe is so funny and just keeps us in stitches most of the time. He has facial expressions that I have no idea where they come from and now verbal expressions to go along with them! He puts so much JOY in our lives. Sometimes I think, "Wow. What if we had missed this. Can you imagine??"  No, I can't. I can't imagine not having he or Cole.  They define me. They make me a better person.  They are my light at the end of the tunnel. They are my rainbows after the raging storms.  And sometimes we have storms pretty regularly around here!!  A friend of mine said that a person could describe our place as being "one tent short of a circus!!"  And how right she is!  But you know what.........I wouldn't change one thing.  Alot of people my age already have an empty nest or will soon, but for me....... that's something I never have to worry about!  Lonely days and nights.......out of the question. And as I type these words, and one boy is continually trying to get my attention for one reason or another, I have to smile. Well wait a minute.........I don't have to smile........I choose to smile.  I smile because, we GET to do this. We get to be these boy's family. We get to parent these boys who were once orphaned.  We get to love them.  We get to teach them and tell them about God's love for them and us.  And so many times I wonder........who are we, that we get to do this, we GET to partner with God's heart for orphans.  And there is that "awe" again.

You have probably heard the saying, " God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."  We are living proof of that statement. We are not special. We are not. As a matter of fact, we are FAR from it! But we were willing, and because of that.........we are GETTING to spend the rest of our lives with two incredible, special boys. 

Is your nest empty???!!! Or will be???!!! Hey, I can help you out!! Go to  Reece's Rainbow and see which way God nudges you.  Lots of ways to help and something for all ages. 

And don't forget the RR Christmas Angel Tree and my little angel, Orson.  He wants and deserves a family of his own. Will you please help me, help him?   Go to the Angel Tree and click on his picture or use the button on this blog. Thanks and  Blessings to you and yours.


  1. This was very good. Folks, help these little one's, follow Kims blog, read the stories about these preciouss, unwanted orphans. It's Christmas time, please give a gift to Orson, the little fella that Kim & Rick are trying to build up his "grant fund" so he can have a forever Mama & Papa. like Cole & Gabe have....

    1. this cole i study chistmas song this and sing must be santa and read chistmas chistmas not us chistmas jesus birth chist
      love cole
