"I prayed for this child and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him" 1Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



And when I get home, I'm gonna tell everybody how much you guys want a family too.
I promise.  I will never forget you.

Thank you Jesus.   
The time has finally come, 
and I'm going home! My mama and her good friend will
pick me up on August 18th. Please pray that they don't get lost
and end up somewhere else!! Hurry mama, I've been waiting for my family a long time!
Josiah Zhensi Decker

As I type these words, and look at this precious boy and his friends, I have to admit......
it's somewhat bittersweet for me. Ok, it's ALOT bittersweet for me.  I can hardly wait to touch this little guys face and tell him he is loved and how his big crazy family is waiting for him and what fun we are going to have.  But........

I also know that the ones sitting beside him, and the ones in the next room and down the hall, on the floors above him and below him........thousands, millions, all over the world.......have no one.

Can we rescue them all??? 

No.   But then WE didn't rescue this one.

WE are the rescued people!

We love because WE were FIRST LOVED!

It's so simple.  It really is.  Yet we always make it so difficult.

My God says this IS our problem.  It's not a "by choice" thing.

Adopting these special kiddos is where God led us.

Where is He leading you?? 

What are YOU doing for THE LEAST, THE LAST, AND THE LOST??

"Then the righteous will answer him, saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?  And the King will answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."  Matthew 25:37-40

Thanks so much to those of you who have covered us in prayer during these last months. Our "Journey to Josiah" has once again proven to be ALL and ONLY GOD!!  Wow.
Please continue to pray for us and our boys at home, and also Josiah, as his little world is fixing to be turned upside down, for the better yes, but still, upside down.  May you all be blessed with love that can only come from the One above. Thanks again!

OK JOSIAH.....LUCY(mama) and ETHEL(jayne) ARE COMING!!!!


  1. So happy for your family. I pray for you safe travels next month and peace for your family while you are away. God bless Cole, Gabe, and Josiah.

    Lisa (Grandmother in Houston)

  2. Kime, A beautiful story written by you, spoken by OUR LORD & SAVIOR, He speaks to our Heart through HIS WORD. I know your heart is all puffed up with Joy & Thanksgiving. Once again we welcome Josiah in to his "FOREVER HOME." You, Ethel, & Josiah
    hurry home. We will be waiting on you with open arms.

    Little Momma & Paw
