"I prayed for this child and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him" 1Samuel 1:27

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Officially OFFICIAL!

(adopting that is.)

(crazy that is.)

(precious of course!)

Whew!  I've been waiting for almost 3 weeks to be able to "officially" claim this little one!
We received approval from China yesterday to proceed with his adoption.
Unlike Gabe's adoption, this one will more than likely take alittle longer. But hey, you never know with international adoption, so whether longer or shorter, we'll be ready to go at the drop of a hat!

We would love to have you come along for the ride as we follow God's lead to this little one.
We would also appreciate your prayers, as we know the road that lies before us is often a rough, winding, rugged road. Thanks for stopping by and THANK YOU LORD for what you've already done and for what your going to do.

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is within your power to act." Proverbs 3:27

And don't forget to go check out the Christmas Angel Tree on Reece's Rainbow and show these kiddos some love this holiday season. You never know.......ONE OF THEM COULD BE YOURS.     :)

Friday, October 11, 2013

What I See

What do you see when you look at this picture???

Big boys?? Little boys?? Lots of boys??

Maybe shirtless boys?? Perhaps boys with hats??

Maybe you notice the flowers or the beautiful shades of green??

Come on, take one more good look.

See him? Do you see him now??

He's one of the bigger boys up front with the red hat. He's turned looking at you.

 Do you know what I see??

I see my Cole. I see the one who is my shining light, the one who always keeps me straight, the one who pulls and pushes me in ways I never knew I could go, the one who puts me face to face with my God, every. single. day.

I see my Cole man and where and who he might be, had I not listened and followed.

Sweet friends, listen to the small, quiet voice inside you.
Listen the loud shouts that keep you awake at night.

Listen and follow.
If He calls you, He will equip you with everything you need.

These boys you see pictured are the LOST BOYS at an orphanage in Ukraine.
To read their story, you can go to Micah Six Eight.

Most of them are not adoptable, but there are a couple of them that are, and they need out NOW.

Could you share your life with one of them??

I can't imagine my life without my lost boy.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Two or three times a month, I write an article for my hometown newspaper concerning orphan awareness and Reece's Rainbow. And since this is the month that we brought Gabe home, this is the last article I wrote for the paper.

Once Upon A Time

The very first part of the story I shared last week was accidently left out, so I'm going to bring you up to date. Most probably figured it out but last weeks story was actually something I had written 2 years ago while I was in Russia waiting to bring Gabe home. And because this is a special month for him and us, I thought I would commemorate that with the thoughts running through my head at that time. So here is the post I wrote from two years ago at this exact time.

Once upon a time, in a country for away, in a city I never knew existed until now (Vladivostok just north of North Korea) and then up the eastern coast about 4 hours to a remote village that isn't even on a map, and up this small road (with picture on my blog).........a beautiful little life was waiting. Waiting on a mama and papa, waiting for a family to call his own and to love him unconditionally for the rest of his life.(with picture of Gabe on my blog)
I will never be able to put in words how I feel and all I want to convey to you about this place and the things I've seen and experienced while here. I want to so badly, but I just don't think I would do it justice. I'm not very talented in writing and poestic words don't flow from my mouth very good. If you could gather my tears and form a story from them , well, then you might have a pretty good view of things. And I don't mean because everything has been sad or bad. There is beauty amid the harsh realities. (pictures of flowers on my blog). There is humor in spite of the serious circumstances.(with silly pictures on my blog.) We have felt it ALL these past weeks. I'm not sure how long I've been here at this moment, but it feels like a LONG time! Chirssy just told me that we only have 1 more week until we're home. Honestly, right now that feels like it means 1 month!! Yes, I'm home sick and ready to board that plane and fly baby fly! But I would not take anything for these things I've experienced while here. I knew these certain things existed because for months now, I have read others stories. But it is taken to a whole new level when you see it with your own eyes. When you touch them with your own hands. And then, when you see but aren't allowed to touch them. When you see and you hear......and there is nothing you can do to make it better for them. That's the worst.
I will never forget this place. I never WANT to forget this place. How could I?? This is where God led me. This is where my son is from. Of all the places in the world......THIS PLACE is where I was suppose to go. This is somewhat like holy ground to me. God led me here and He has certainly been here with me the whole time. We have had lots of talks! I have questioned much. He has shown me beauty along with pain and suffering and sorrow. I still don't understand it all. But He has assured me, one day I will. When I leave here, I will definitly leave a large part of my heart. But I will also be taking a new little heart with me.
Please continue to pray for Gabe.Tomorrow we will pick him up and he will NEVER be alone again.

And two years later, we continue to thank the Lord for all He has done and continues to do.

'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' Jeremiah 29:11

Please remember to pray for orphans all over the world. And remember, you CAN make a difference sitting right there at home. Go to Reece's Rainbow at www.reecesrainbow.org to see how.

May you and yours be blessed.

Friday, August 16, 2013


I can't believe it's been a year since this post. That first year home was amazing.
And now here we are, 2 years later. And still it's......AMAZING!!

Watching Gabe become the little person he is has been such a joy.

There's no way I can capture his personality in words. I'm not that gifted of a writer, as you can tell!
I'm not gifted as a photographer either, but I do have A FEW pictures from the past 2 yrs!!

This little guy is so full of life.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be his mom.

Gabe Decker.......HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!!



Friday, July 26, 2013


All over the world today, children will die.

Many will be surrounded by loving family, maybe some friends, and for sure a host of people praying.

But many will not.

Many will die a lonely death, surrounded by nothing but the silent cries and moans of other kiddos just like them.

So was the case for Hanson.

But what Hanson never knew was, he was loved.

He was loved and was in the hearts of many who were praying and advocating for him.

He was especially loved by one special boy who wanted more than anything, a family to come for him.

So in honor and memory of Hanson, and all the others  LOST BOYS, something very special is taking place today.

Please take the time to click on this link  and see what real love for another can accomplish.

Hanson never had the chance to be with his earthly family......but today the victory IS HIS.

Today he sits at the feet of Jesus. Today he runs and plays pain free, hunger free, and is loved by the Ultimate Father of all.

Today, he is being remembered because a special friend he never knew wanted to make a difference for him and the others like him.

Please, take the time to read this post and you too can choose to make a difference in the lives of these forgotton children.

Rest in peace sweet Hanson, your finally HOME.

Sunday, June 16, 2013



Oh my. I was sitting on pins and needles because I had no idea what he was going to do!!

Silly me. And why would I worry??!!

I can't believe this part of our journey has already come to an end, but I look forward to what lies ahead!

I'm proud of you sweet boy, and love you to the stars and back.  :)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


We're still here, but busy as bees! These last couple weeks of school have been crazy at our house. Between Rylie, Cole and Gabe, we've had plenty of things to do. Soooooo, my blog has suffered a bit. But here are a few pictures of some of the things the kids have been doing.

Gabe was in a musical program at school.

Here he is on field day at school. Go Gabe Go!

Rylie has been busy with awards programs and banquets.

Rylie and Garrett before Jr./Sr. Prom

And last, but certainly not least, my Cole man. He is GRADUATING this year!

I can't believe it! He is sad he won't see his teachers and buddies much anymore, but he plans on starting a lawn service and gonna call it........WIZARD LAWN SERVICE! (how fitting is that!!)

And bless his heart, out of the blue one day, he told me that he had decided he wanted to be baptized! So, on a Sunday morning at our little chapel west of town, before God and a bunch of family and friends, my precious boy was baptized.

Cole and Shannon praying right before.

This boy has always had a close relationship with the Lord. He's a prayer warrior for anyone he sees that he thinks might need prayer. It doesn't matter who it is or where it happens. He is not one bit ashamed of his faith or intimidated by where he shares it when he feels the need. He has taught me and continues to teach me everyday. What a joy it is to be his mom.

" Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”  And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." Mark 10:15,16

And our journey continues.

Friday, April 26, 2013


I'm pretty certain Jesus, disguised as a little blonde headed boy with blue glasses,

rode to school with me this morning!!

What a joy and blessing it is to see and hear this sweet boy singing praises to God.

Thank you Lord for your constant presence and for reminding me that,





Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mulligan Stew Anyone???

A Common Stew for an Uncommonly Good Cause!”

When I first saw the words “Mulligan Stew” on an adoption blog last year, I knew it as only something to eat but didn't know the history behind it. So what did I do?? Googled it of course! And this is what I found..........Originally, during the Depression, the homeless would sleep in "Jungles". [Campsites near railways for the homeless] Traditionally, the "Jungles" would have a large campfire and pot into which each person would put in a portion of their food, thus giving each person a portion that was, hopefully, more tasteful and nutritious than his original portion, and making a larger quanity of it. Another words, they all shared what little they had, and when they put it all together, they were able to serve more people and, it tasted better.
So the sweet lady that writes the blog I was reading, being the humble servant she is, was thinking of another creative way to raise money for some orphan kiddos that were weighing heavy on her heart. She had thought and thought, and one day while walking out of the house, “mulligan stew” popped into her head. She did a little research on it and decided this would be the perfect name for a giveaway that she had been planning. She was wanting to raise money and bring awareness to orphans, and some deserving families that had stepped out in faith to adopt these special kids. The rest is now history!
My friend Julia has invited over 100 people to sit at her table and has collected over 100 ingredients to go into her big pot of stew. That's SEVEN families adopting SEVENTEEN children....... TWELVE WAITING children........and 110 LOST BOYS. (I wrote about the “lost boys” in another story) and over ONE HUNDRED ingredients (items already donated to be given away) simmering in the pot.
Just like during the Depression, a big pot of stew can feed alot of needy people. And there are lots of needy orphans and families adopting orphans that need us to throw something into the simmering pot of stew. Could you throw something in??? A small amount, when added with other amounts, can multiply into a very large helping.
There are alot of great items to be drawn for at the end of this “Mulligan Stew Giveaway.” I-Pad, Kindle Fire, $500 gift cards, $100 gift cards, Wii-U, and many, many more things. The total value of all things to be given away is over $5,000.
Each child and each family adopting a child has a story to tell. If you are willing to pull up a chair and dine with “the least of these”, you will be truly blessed.
For details on how YOU CAN HELP and get your name in on the drawing for some really nice gifts, you need to go to Micah Six Eight or www.covenantbuilders.blogspot.com.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. You will be blessing some precious kiddos and some really awesome families, and I promise.......YOU TOO WILL BE BLESSED.

“The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today, March 21, is celebrated as World Down Syndrome Day.
It's an opportunity to
draw much deserved awareness to a group of wonderfully,
beautifully made individuals.
Most people have no idea what these gifts from God
can give back to others.
If the world had more people with Down Syndrome........
It would be a much better place to live.

So here's to you little man!
Momma and Papa think you are,


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Just as God's love for us has no boundaries and is eternal,
So was, and is my love for this boy of mine. Not a day goes by that he doesn't amaze me in some form or fashion! He has taught me what unconditional love is really all about. He has taught me to see REAL beauty in the smallest things in life. He has taught me to live in the moment and how to pray without ceasing. He is confirmation that when we follow the Lord with reckless abandon, we will experience His mercy and grace like never before.

I love you to the stars and back......twice!  :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Don't you just love it when God gives you those reminders that He is the one in control and all we have to do is just enjoy the ride??!!

Well it was one of those mornings when the kids didn't want to get out of bed and when they finally did, they just poked along and nothing......n.o.t.h.i.n.g. would hurry them up.

So, as I finally herded them into the car, with me trying to carry my coffee (thank goodness for coffee!), mamaw's clean laundry, my keys, my phone, and Gabe's back pack (because he wouldn't put it on) and Cole hollering because "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE.....I GONNA GET WROTE UP!!!"........we were finally at least in the car.

But the fight wasn't over. After refusing to move until ALL got on their seatbelts....we finally pulled out of the carport and headed into town.

And yes......running late!!

Now, all this was enough to get my blood boiling but not until the fussing and fighting over what music we listened to did I really express my unhappiness.  :)

And since Cole had his earrphones on anyway (so why did he care what other music was playing!), I opted to go with THE SAME CD......SAME SONGS, OVER AND OVER, that Gabe wanted to listen to.

But remember......my attitude was in the gutter cause things had not run like I like them to run on school mornings.

Enters the favorite CD.

Like always, we did The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock, maybe twice, and when it ended, I was ordered to put it on the next favorite. Again.

Precious little Gabe can be a bossy little toot at times!

So, after listening and going back a couple times and re-listening, I had had enough.

As the song ended again and I was just fixing to bark, "THAT'S IT.  NO MORE."

That's when it happened.

Better yet, that's when He happened.

The song ended and there was silence. No hollering, "mom, push."(meaning push the re-play button)

"What is he doing now?", I thought. And as the next song began to play (that never happens) I still heard nothing from my bossy little man.

That's when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw his little hand lifted high, swaying back and forth, to the next song on his favorite cd.

My eyes filled with tears as I watched him in my mirror, and listened to him sing what he could.









Right then in that moment, everything was put into perspective.

 I was so out of sorts cause things had not run smoothly and in order this morning.

I was out of sorts cause I felt out of control.

All the little trivial things that had me upset.

All those little things that mean.......... nothing.

Thank you Lord for reminding me whats MOST important.

Thank you for using one of the smallest and least in Your kingdom to make such an impact on my life.

Thank you for reminding me, through little hands held high in praise and worship, that when we keep our hearts and minds focused on You, the junk of this world,


Today I choose to celebrate......how bout you?!